Echoing the Kāhea from the ʻAhahui o Hawaiʻi:
OPPOSE HB499 HD2 SD1 - Testimony due Tuesday 4/6, 9:45am
****Last opportunity to submit written testimony on one of the land-grab bills****
Mahalo nui to everyone who has been submitting testimony and forwarding the Kāhea to families, friends, and others in the community who are concerned about these blatant attempts to deplete the "ceded" lands corpus. Although these bills are still slowly moving along, every hearing is another opportunity to let our growing and collective voice be heard. Importantly, the upcoming hearing for HB499 will be the last opportunity to submit written testimony on one of these bills. Note: We can always reach out directly to our legislators to let them know that they should NOT support these highly problematic and dangerous bills -- see below for more details.
Please kōkua to PROTECT "ceded" lands by TESTIFYING IN OPPOSITION TO HB499. This bill would allow stolen Hawaiian Kingdom crown and government lands, taken during the 1893 insurrection and overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani, to be leased for a century at a time -- effectively preventing Hawaiian claims to these lands from ever being resolved.
More specifically, HB499 HD2 SD1 would allow any industrial, commercial, resort, or military/government lease of "ceded" lands -- which are limited to 65 years -- to be extended for an additional 40 years - foreclosing Native Hawaiian claims to these lands for over a century at a time, and all but guaranteeing their permanent alienation. This measure is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Committee on Ways and Means on Wednesday, 4/7 at 9:45 a.m.
Please kōkua by submitting testimony against this measure! You can use the sample testimony below or provide your own thoughts and comments. Please note that WAM does not accept oral testimony. You must register and/or sign in to the capitol website to submit testimony. Click here for instructions on how to submit testimony online. You can also watch a video tutorial here.
Sample Testimony for HB499 HD2 SD1
I OPPOSE HB499 HD2 because it would foreclose Native Hawaiian claims to "ceded" lands by allowing any industrial, commercial, resort, or government lease of "ceded" lands -- which are currently limited to 65 years -- to be extended for an additional 40 years. These lands are stolen Hawaiian Kingdom crown and government lands, taken during the 1893 insurrection and overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalani without consent or compensation. Native Hawaiians have unrelinquished claims over "ceded" lands and we should protect and preserve these lands until such time that these claims can be resolved. Allowing these lands to be leased for a century at a time would effectively prevent Hawaiian claims from ever being resolved because the people who lease "ceded" lands will fight to keep extending their leases. Enough is enough!
You can also contact the Senate Ways and Means Committee members to ask them to vote NO on HB499 HD2.
Ways and Means Committee:
Donovan Dela Cruz (Chair): 808-586-6090, [email protected]
Gilbert Keith Agaran (Vice Chair): 808-586-7344, [email protected]
Kalani English: 808-587-7225, [email protected]
Lorraine Inouye: 808-586-7335, [email protected]
Dru Mamo Kanuha: 808-586-9385, [email protected]
Michelle Kidani: 808-586-7100, [email protected]
Sharon Moriwaki: 808-586-6740, [email protected]
Maile Shimabukuro: 808-586-7793, [email protected]
Brian Taniguchi: 808-586-6460, [email protected]
Glenn Wakai: 808-586-8585, [email protected]
Kurt Fevella: 808-586-6360, [email protected]
Please kōkua to PROTECT "ceded" lands by TESTIFYING IN OPPOSITION TO HB499. This bill would allow stolen Hawaiian Kingdom crown and government lands, taken during the 1893 insurrection and overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani, to be leased for a century at a time -- effectively preventing Hawaiian claims to these lands from ever being resolved.
More specifically, HB499 HD2 SD1 would allow any industrial, commercial, resort, or military/government lease of "ceded" lands -- which are limited to 65 years -- to be extended for an additional 40 years - foreclosing Native Hawaiian claims to these lands for over a century at a time, and all but guaranteeing their permanent alienation. This measure is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Committee on Ways and Means on Wednesday, 4/7 at 9:45 a.m.
Please kōkua by submitting testimony against this measure! You can use the sample testimony below or provide your own thoughts and comments. Please note that WAM does not accept oral testimony. You must register and/or sign in to the capitol website to submit testimony. Click here for instructions on how to submit testimony online. You can also watch a video tutorial here.
Sample Testimony for HB499 HD2 SD1
I OPPOSE HB499 HD2 because it would foreclose Native Hawaiian claims to "ceded" lands by allowing any industrial, commercial, resort, or government lease of "ceded" lands -- which are currently limited to 65 years -- to be extended for an additional 40 years. These lands are stolen Hawaiian Kingdom crown and government lands, taken during the 1893 insurrection and overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalani without consent or compensation. Native Hawaiians have unrelinquished claims over "ceded" lands and we should protect and preserve these lands until such time that these claims can be resolved. Allowing these lands to be leased for a century at a time would effectively prevent Hawaiian claims from ever being resolved because the people who lease "ceded" lands will fight to keep extending their leases. Enough is enough!
You can also contact the Senate Ways and Means Committee members to ask them to vote NO on HB499 HD2.
Ways and Means Committee:
Donovan Dela Cruz (Chair): 808-586-6090, [email protected]
Gilbert Keith Agaran (Vice Chair): 808-586-7344, [email protected]
Kalani English: 808-587-7225, [email protected]
Lorraine Inouye: 808-586-7335, [email protected]
Dru Mamo Kanuha: 808-586-9385, [email protected]
Michelle Kidani: 808-586-7100, [email protected]
Sharon Moriwaki: 808-586-6740, [email protected]
Maile Shimabukuro: 808-586-7793, [email protected]
Brian Taniguchi: 808-586-6460, [email protected]
Glenn Wakai: 808-586-8585, [email protected]
Kurt Fevella: 808-586-6360, [email protected]
SB2 SD2 HD1 and HB902 HD1 SD1, which would allow stolen "ceded" lands to be leased for 99 years or longer, are also both still alive -- despite overwhelming and almost unanimous opposition by the public. On Thursday, the Senate Ways and Means Committee passed HB902 HD1 SD1, which will now go to a floor vote by the full Senate. SB2 SD2 HD1 was also heard on Thursday and will be decided on by the House Finance Committee on Wednesday, April 7. You can still help stop these bad bills. E-mail all Senators at [email protected] and contact your own Senator to ask them to vote NO on HB902 HD1 SD1, and contact the Finance Committee members before Wednesday to ask them to vote NO on SB2 SD2 HD1.
Finance Committee Contact Information:
Sylvia Luke (Chair): 808-586-6200, [email protected]
Ty J.K. Cullen (Vice Chair): 808-586-8490, [email protected]
Lisa Marten: 808-586-9450, [email protected]
Patrick Pihana Branco: 808-586-6480, [email protected]
Daniel Holt: 808-586-6180, [email protected]
Bertrand Kobayashi: 808-586-6310, [email protected]
Scott Y. Nishimoto: 808-586-8515, [email protected]
Kyle T. Yamashita: 808-586-6330, [email protected]
Greggor Ilagan: 808-586-6530, [email protected]
Amy A. Perruso: 808-586-6700, [email protected]
Stacelynn K.M. Eli: 808-586-8465, [email protected]
Jackson D. Sayama: 808-586-6900, [email protected]
Adrian K. Tam: 808-586-8520, [email protected]
Tina Wildberger: 808-586-8525, [email protected]
Bob McDermott: 808-586-9730, [email protected]
Talking points for these bills:
A nation needs a land base. From Kahoʻolawe, to East Maui, to Maunakea, to Pōhakuloa – the Native Hawaiian people have continually demonstrated their unyielding determination to restore pono to these islands, and ultimately achieve the vision of a restored Hawaiian nation in whatever form it may take. Bills that would sell stolen Hawaiian lands for a century at a time will pull the rug out from under this nation-building movement, by taking away the land base for the future Hawaiian government.
Justice delayed is justice denied. Giving stolen Hawaiian lands, taken from the Hawaiian people literally at gunpoint and under threat of mass bloodshed, to private developers for a century at a time will deny Native Hawaiians justice for another four generations. No one who cares about these islands should support the perpetration of such injustice.
Governor Ige is a failed leader and should not be given the power to sell public lands to private developers. From his abject failures during the COVID-19 pandemic, to his refusal to sign rules that would have required “affordable” units to remain affordable for 30 years, the Governor has demonstrated his terrible judgement and betrayal of the public interest, time and again. The legislature should NOT pass any laws that would allow this Governor to give public lands to private developers to profit off of for 99-plus years at a time.
Public lands should not be used for un-“affordable” housing. The state housing development agency, HHFDC, currently considers a $1 million, two-bedroom home as “affordable.” HB902 HD1 and SB2 SD2 would vastly expand the amount of public lands that the HHFDC could lease to private developers for 99-plus years at a time, for the development of “affordable” housing units that are priced far above what the majority of island residents can actually afford. There should be no giveaway of public lands to private developers for a century at a time, to build housing units that local residents won’t be able to afford.
Trust is earned. Time and again the state has promised to seek “reconciliation” with the Hawaiian people. And time and again the state has failed to take meaningful steps to fulfill this promise, minimizing or ignoring Hawaiian concerns at its convenience. Now, SB2 and HB902, which would allow stolen Hawaiian government and crown lands to be sold off and erase Native Hawaiiansʻ claims to these lands, are both being pushed through the legislature despite overwhelming opposition from the Hawaiian community. The passage of these measures will only further erode the Native Hawaiian community’s trust of the state, and its concerns for issues of importance to Native Hawaiians. Reconciliation takes trust, and trust is earned. Please STOP these bills and uphold the state’s commitment to reconciliation with Native Hawaiian.
These bills will only result in conflict and controversy. Over and over and over again, Hawaiians have risen up to protect their claims to the stolen “ceded” lands, and seek justice for the generational traumas that have impacted the Hawaiian community in so many ways. Hawaiians will never forget the loss of their ʻāina, and measures like SB2 and HB902, which envision selling off stolen Hawaiian lands for a century at a time, will only result in development projects that are mired in controversy and conflict. Please STOP these bad bills and the terrible ideas they embody.
Legislators have a choice. In this era of a growing consciousness on the United States’ living legacies of racism, colonization, and genocide, the Hawai‘i State Legislature and its members have a choice: perpetuate the forced and unlawful taking of the Hawaiian people’s crown and government lands, by allowing these lands to be sold off to developers for a century or longer – *or* finally acknowledge the need to address this historical injustice and the generations of trauma it has caused. Please make the right choice and STOP SB2 and HB902, and the legacy of continuing injustice these bills will leave for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.
Finance Committee Contact Information:
Sylvia Luke (Chair): 808-586-6200, [email protected]
Ty J.K. Cullen (Vice Chair): 808-586-8490, [email protected]
Lisa Marten: 808-586-9450, [email protected]
Patrick Pihana Branco: 808-586-6480, [email protected]
Daniel Holt: 808-586-6180, [email protected]
Bertrand Kobayashi: 808-586-6310, [email protected]
Scott Y. Nishimoto: 808-586-8515, [email protected]
Kyle T. Yamashita: 808-586-6330, [email protected]
Greggor Ilagan: 808-586-6530, [email protected]
Amy A. Perruso: 808-586-6700, [email protected]
Stacelynn K.M. Eli: 808-586-8465, [email protected]
Jackson D. Sayama: 808-586-6900, [email protected]
Adrian K. Tam: 808-586-8520, [email protected]
Tina Wildberger: 808-586-8525, [email protected]
Bob McDermott: 808-586-9730, [email protected]
Talking points for these bills:
A nation needs a land base. From Kahoʻolawe, to East Maui, to Maunakea, to Pōhakuloa – the Native Hawaiian people have continually demonstrated their unyielding determination to restore pono to these islands, and ultimately achieve the vision of a restored Hawaiian nation in whatever form it may take. Bills that would sell stolen Hawaiian lands for a century at a time will pull the rug out from under this nation-building movement, by taking away the land base for the future Hawaiian government.
Justice delayed is justice denied. Giving stolen Hawaiian lands, taken from the Hawaiian people literally at gunpoint and under threat of mass bloodshed, to private developers for a century at a time will deny Native Hawaiians justice for another four generations. No one who cares about these islands should support the perpetration of such injustice.
Governor Ige is a failed leader and should not be given the power to sell public lands to private developers. From his abject failures during the COVID-19 pandemic, to his refusal to sign rules that would have required “affordable” units to remain affordable for 30 years, the Governor has demonstrated his terrible judgement and betrayal of the public interest, time and again. The legislature should NOT pass any laws that would allow this Governor to give public lands to private developers to profit off of for 99-plus years at a time.
Public lands should not be used for un-“affordable” housing. The state housing development agency, HHFDC, currently considers a $1 million, two-bedroom home as “affordable.” HB902 HD1 and SB2 SD2 would vastly expand the amount of public lands that the HHFDC could lease to private developers for 99-plus years at a time, for the development of “affordable” housing units that are priced far above what the majority of island residents can actually afford. There should be no giveaway of public lands to private developers for a century at a time, to build housing units that local residents won’t be able to afford.
Trust is earned. Time and again the state has promised to seek “reconciliation” with the Hawaiian people. And time and again the state has failed to take meaningful steps to fulfill this promise, minimizing or ignoring Hawaiian concerns at its convenience. Now, SB2 and HB902, which would allow stolen Hawaiian government and crown lands to be sold off and erase Native Hawaiiansʻ claims to these lands, are both being pushed through the legislature despite overwhelming opposition from the Hawaiian community. The passage of these measures will only further erode the Native Hawaiian community’s trust of the state, and its concerns for issues of importance to Native Hawaiians. Reconciliation takes trust, and trust is earned. Please STOP these bills and uphold the state’s commitment to reconciliation with Native Hawaiian.
These bills will only result in conflict and controversy. Over and over and over again, Hawaiians have risen up to protect their claims to the stolen “ceded” lands, and seek justice for the generational traumas that have impacted the Hawaiian community in so many ways. Hawaiians will never forget the loss of their ʻāina, and measures like SB2 and HB902, which envision selling off stolen Hawaiian lands for a century at a time, will only result in development projects that are mired in controversy and conflict. Please STOP these bad bills and the terrible ideas they embody.
Legislators have a choice. In this era of a growing consciousness on the United States’ living legacies of racism, colonization, and genocide, the Hawai‘i State Legislature and its members have a choice: perpetuate the forced and unlawful taking of the Hawaiian people’s crown and government lands, by allowing these lands to be sold off to developers for a century or longer – *or* finally acknowledge the need to address this historical injustice and the generations of trauma it has caused. Please make the right choice and STOP SB2 and HB902, and the legacy of continuing injustice these bills will leave for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.